Applied Empathy

I decided to read the book Applied Empathy by Michael Ventura after seeing him 51odIYTrdPL._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_on an interview with GaryVee. Here is the link to the video.  He brought up some good points about culture of your business and how you want to approach life and work. I decided to get a copy on the kindle app and read it.

Some of the ideas can apply to being a teacher. Having empathy for your students and understanding where they are coming from. Which can be tough when you are several generations older. It’s hard to remember what it was like being that age.  Many of the exercises help me get in touch with being in a positive place.

For the area of Inspired Self he says write down 5 things that you can do to put in the place of when you were last inspired. Self awareness and being present in the moment are mentioned in the book.

Here is my list of 5 things.

  1. Drawing something
  2. Cooking/Baking something
  3. Going for a walk at the park
  4. 3D Modeling
  5. Throwing on pottery

These things put me in that frame of mind where I lose track of time and the feeling I get inside makes me either feel or really think about the moment or excited. I think I’m going to try and do more of those things during the year.

Try it for yourself. Here is a link for the book on Amazon Applied Empathy.

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